Benefits of Being a Full-Time Opera Singer at a German Theater

As an opera singer in the US, the likelihood that you can fill every month of the year with performances, let alone in one city, is 0.001%. Yes, we made up that number, but it was only to emphasize that being an opera singer in the US is very much a traveling profession. You  have to go where you got a gig, and rarely are the gigs in the same place. Actually, this is the outlook for almost every singer across the globe. Well, almost everywhere. The incredible exception is Germany.

What are “fest” (full-time) engagements?

Germany’s opera system is unique in many ways, but perhaps the most extraordinary fact is their widespread use of Fest Engagements. The word Fest in German means ‘solid’ or ‘fixed’. When referring to a Fest position for a singer at an opera house, it means that the singer is a full-time employee of the house and earns a full time living. The theater casts you through pieces throughout the season, and if you are in between new productions, you may be able to squeeze in some more roles in other houses.

Imagine this: You worked hard on a role and you are excited to perform it. Finally, the premier comes and you nailed it! Time to celebrate with your colleagues at the premier party. You have an awesome night and you head off to get some well deserved sleep. The next morning, you don’t have to get up early and head for the airport, BECAUSE YOU ARE ALREADY HOME! That is just one of the many beauties of being a Fest singer at an opera house.

For those of you who dislike being constantly on the road or who actually like the feeling of sleeping in your own bed, this may be a career path for you.

Moving to Germany as a singer

The question most young voice students ask themselves at this point is: how do I make it to Germany and start my career as a Fest singer? Michael Pegher, one of the founders of OPERASCOUT, has been in this exact situation himself many years ago. After graduating from Miami University with a Master’s in voice, he moved to Germany and sang on German opera stages as a full-time member of the opera ensemble for 13 years. Michael is happy to answer all of your questions in a 1-1 consultation! Dont hesitate to reach out and kick-start your career.


Making Money with Jump-Ins as an Opera Singer


Why Germany is the number one job market for opera singers