How to become a professional opera singer

Becoming a successful opera singer requires talent, dedication, and a strategic approach. In this blog post, we are providing some guidance on what steps you need to take to build your operatic career. NOTE: This post is geared towards those who are just starting out (high school, early college, etc.) and want to explore the possibility of a career in opera.

Education and Training for opera singers

  • Voice Lessons: Start early, sing often. Learning to sing is like going to the gym: if you do it the right way with regularity, you will see results! Regular lessons with an experienced voice teacher will establish a solid technique and maintain vocal health. Joining a choir at school or church is a great way to get into singing and understanding music theory. Click here to find a choir near you.

  • Listen to Music: There is so much to learn about opera, and listening to it is a great way to discover it! It lets you hear the wide range of different styles and vocal techniques, how different singers perform roles, and understand the emotions and expressions in the music.

  • Language Skills: Operas are often sung in various languages (Italian, German, French, even Czech!). Knowledge of these languages and the ability to sing in them are important and can set you apart from other singers. It is never too early to start learning a language. If you do this, your diction will improve and you will stand out in auditions if your dicition is perfect. Our favorite way to learn a new language is via Duolingo.

  • Musical Education: When you are seriously considering to become an opera singer, it is time to looking into proper education, most commonly at a conservatory or university. At these institutions, you not only hone your technique and grow your repertoire, but you also expand your knowledge of music theory, history, and performance practice. Without a solid education, having a career becomes difficult, if not impossible.

Build a Repertoire as an opera singer

An absolutely invaluable resource for singers is the Petrucci Music Library (or IMSLP). It is a database of public domain sheet music, and it is completely free of charge. You can find it HERE

  • Appropriate Roles: Most young singers are very eager to sing their first arias. Although this enthusiams is great, it is important that you don’t try to sing pieces that you are not yet ready for. You can damage your voice this way and have a setback in your vocal progress. Your teacher will help you determine appropriate repertoire based on your vocal range (e.g., soprano, tenor, baritone) and progression. The right repertoire will soon become clear. This catagorization of the roles that best suit your voice is commonly refered to in the opera world as your Fach (a German term). This is a long proccess. Don’t rush it.

  • Versatility: As mentioned before, opera is a wide ranging and versatile artform. Studying repertoire from all different musical periods (classical, baroque, romantic, etc.) and different languages will give you the flexibilty to eventually become a versatile singer. Opera houses perform all types of pieces, and it helps to be a singer that can sing a variety of styles.

Gain Stage Experience as an opera singer

  • Participate in Performances: It is important to get up on stage and perform in front of an audience as often as possible. Take part in any school productions, choirs, or concerts you can. Again, practice makes perfect, and that goes for perfoming as well.

  • Competitions: Participating in singing competitions can bring attention and awards and be a stepping stone for future engagements.

  • Young Artist Programs: Engagements with Young Artist Programs(YAPs) and summer festivals provide valuable experience and exposure.

Network Building for opera singers

  • Making Connections: Build relationships with conductors, directors, agents, and fellow singers. The bigger your network, the higher is your chance of learning of auditions and being invited to them.

  • Social Media: Social media plays a part in all aspects of outr society, and the arts is no exception. A strong presence on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, or LinkedIn can help you get noticed. You can use these channels to highlight who you are and what you have to offer, which casting directors can see. These days, social media is like a currency. The more followers (aka fans) you have, the more visible you become.

Find an Agent as an opera singer

  • Management: A good agent can help arrange auditions and find engagements. It is really hard to become a professional opera singer without proper representation of an experienced agency who has a large network of casting directors and opera houses at its disposal.

  • Self-Promotion: Self-promotion and a well-maintained website with professional recordings are also important. We promise you, theaters and casting directors will google you and if you do not exist on the internet, you do not exist on stage.

Continuous Learning as an opera singer

  • Vocal Development: Everyone’s voice changes over time. Regular training and adjusting your repertoire are necessary to stay on top of your game. Stay in contact with your trusted voice teachers and coaches.

  • Workshops and Masterclasses: Participating in workshops and masterclasses with renowned teachers and singers can bring new techniques and inspiration.

Physical and Mental Health for opera singers

  • Vocal Care: The voice is a singer’s most important instrument. Adequate sleep, hydration, and avoiding harmful substances are crucial.

  • Physical Fitness: Regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle support vocal performance.

  • Mental Health: Stress management and a good work-life balance are important.

Patience and Perseverance as an opera singer

  • Long Career Path: The path to success can be long and challenging. Patience and perseverance are essential. So many young singers have given up too early and never got to build their careers. Chances are high that you will lose more auditions than you will win. Consider each audition as an opportunity to master your next one.

  • Setbacks: Setbacks and rejections are part of the journey. It’s important to learn from them and keep going.

Success as an opera singer is a combination of talent, hard work, strategic planning, and a bit of luck. With dedication and the right steps, you can advance your career.

Get in touch with OPERASCOUT to discuss your career needs

Are you a young opera student dreaming of making it big on the world's most prestigious stages? Get in touch with OPERASCOUT and let us help you to naviagte the competitive world of opera. We offer expert advice, insider tips, and personalized strategies to help you land coveted roles, network with industry professionals, and build a successful career. Book your 1-1 opera career consultation with Michael Pegher.


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